Categories Health

Oral Revitalization And Rehabilitation Through Dental Cleanings 

Oral health is an important aspect of maintaining your overall physical health and well-being. And a proper oral hygiene regimen is essential to pave your way to oral wellness. Keeping your teeth and gums healthy can prevent several dental problems. Furthermore, regular brushing and flossing may not be sufficient. You need that extra push through professional dental cleanings. 

The dental services in Concord, NC, offer comprehensive dental cleanings through ultrasound scalers to provide a healthy oral cavity to improve your overall health and well-being.

What is meant by dental cleanings?

Dental cleanings are professional procedures performed by trained dental specialists or hygienists. During the procedure, your teeth and gums are cleaned using ultrasonic instruments to eliminate disease-causing bacteria and plaque. These instruments can reach areas that are not accessible through your regular brush and dental floss. 

Why would I need dental cleanings?

You would need dental cleanings since these procedures: 

  • Keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy 
  • Eliminate plaque and calculus buildup, especially below the gum line (subgingivally) 
  • Reduce halitosis (bad breath) by removing any residual food debris 
  • Remove stains from the tooth surface 
  • Prevent the occurrence or worsening of tooth cavities
  • Prevent gum disease (the leading cause of tooth loss) 
  • Detect early signs of oral cancer
  • Detect fractured and broken fillings early so that they can be treated before it leads to extensive damage

What should I expect during a dental cleaning procedure?

Professional dental cleanings are typically performed by trained dental hygienists. 

  • Initially, your dentist will evaluate your oral cavity to assess your health and condition.
  • Using ultrasonic instruments, the teeth will be cleaned, including the buccal/labial and palatal/lingual surfaces. 
  • Extensive calculus deposition may require deep cleaning in the form of subgingival scaling (thorough cleaning below the gum line), and root planing (removing chunks of calculus from the root surface).
  • To end with, your dentist will use a special cup and abrasive paste to polish the teeth surfaces. This helps to smoothen them to avoid plaque and calculus adherence. 

Final takeaway 

Professional dental cleanings are a boon to your oral health. According to the ADA (American Dental Association), you are expected to visit your dentist every 6 months for a routine oral checkup and professional cleaning. It is crucial to keep your oral health on the right track to prevent dental disease onset or progression because you deserve a healthy mouth, body, and mind!